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Movement is the quickest way for us to (re)connect to our body, to shift the state we are in and allow experiences to flow through us without the barrier of the thinking mind. Movement is therapeutic on both a physical as well as a mental and emotional level.


Yoga, Functional Range Conditioning, running, strength training, and walking are all part of a physical lifestyle that maintains and heals you. Combining the practices allows for the more masculine forms of movement like strength training, to create a container and foundation for you to practice more feminine and fluid practices in a safe way. Knowing the difference and applying the different practices with intelligence will allow you to use your body and movement practices as a gateway to embodiment and healing.

Why Yoga?

The ancient practice of Yoga has many aspects and can focus on different parts of your life and self-development. They all have in common that the aim is the unite and dissolve the illusion of separation. The physical practice of yoga allows you to experience new ways to move your body and bring awareness to those parts that tend to be forgotten. Increasing your range of motion, functional strength and controlled flexibility, allows you to experience a new sense of embodiment and empowerment. Feeling present and grounded in your own body. Equipped to deal with the flows of life, engaging and activating where needed, releasing and deeply relaxing when possible and effortlessly switching between one state and the other.

Why Mobility & Functional Range Conditioning

Flexibility tends to get a lot of attention when practicing yoga. In order for flexibility to be safe and sustainable, your practice needs to focus at least as much on mobility, range of motion in the joints and functional strength as they offer the structure and container for flexibility to offer you the freedom of movement that you are looking for.

Due to COVID-19 all classes and workshops are offered online only. Please check class schedule below for yoga classes and the complete schedule for training and workshops.



Adjusted offer due to COVID-19: 1 live online class per week and private online classes on request.


You can join me every week for different classes at The Conscious Club in Amsterdam. All yoga asana classes are Vinyasa based with a focus on alignment, conscious range of movement and functional strength. The classes are designed for you to connect with your body in a grounded way. To consciously move past your imaginary limits with a clear reason that goes well beyond the attachment to the outcome. These classes are for you if you come to the mat to have an intimate meeting with yourself, to learn how you can support your entire being.

'Suze's yoga nidra lessons are engaging yogis of all levels. It has been a privilege to benefit from the depth of her knowledge, ongoing education, and intuitive gifts as a meditation instructor. Thank you Sue!

Julianne - Yoga & Yoga Nidra student


Check the complete schedule to see which workshops and training continue online.


The workshops and training give you the scientific background behind the practices. You get to immerse in a 1 or multiple-day experience where the practices come to life through new insights and knowledge. You will leave with an embodied experience of the theory offered.

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CAT Reimbursable Therapist No.: 101602023-05-10 
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© 2021 by Suze Retera

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