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Insurance Coverage

Orthomolecular Therapy

Orthomolecular therapy (performance code 2400) is reimbursed by the various insurance companies as follows: 


Zilveren Kruis, Avero Achmea, FBTO and OZF
€ 40 Per day if additionally insured for alternative medicine


ONVZ, PNOzorg and VvAA
€30 per day. If additionally insured for alternative medicine, variable compensation from 30 to 75 euros.


The Friesland
€ 40 Per day if additionally insured for alternative medicine

Body Oriented (Trauma) Therapy

Body-oriented therapy falls under 'other psychosocial therapy (performance code 24504) is reimbursed by the various insurance companies as follows:

CZ, Ohra, CZdirect and Nationale Nederlanden Zorg
€ 40 Per day if additionally insured for alternative medicine


Zilveren Kruis, Avero Achmea, FBTO and OZF
€ 40 Per day if additionally insured for alternative medicine. Psychosocial care for children up to the age of 18 is no longer reimbursed as alternative medicine as of 01-01-22


Menzis, PMA and Anderzorg
€ 40 Per day if additionally insured for alternative medicine


The Friesland
€ 40 Per day if additionally insured for alternative medicine


Diensten die niet vergoed worden

Workshops, training, retreats, yoga lessen en yoga nidra lessen worden niet vergoed. 

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CAT Reimbursable Therapist No.: 101602023-05-10 
AGB code: 90116451

© 2021 by Suze Retera

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