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The sessions are focused on the themes and any complaints you want to deal with. Depending on that, we will look together at which treatment process will benefit you the most. This is something that can develop gradually, or that we can already determine quite well after the intake.


Each trajectory starts with an intake of 90 minutes. Prior  at the intake I will send you one or more questionnaires on the basis of which I will shape this first session. 


All sessions can take place online or in practice.

The sessions are exempt from VAT.


Appointments that are rescheduled or canceled less than 48 hours in advance, but more than 24 hours in advance, will be charged at 50%. Appointments that are rescheduled or canceled less than 24 hours in advance will be charged in full. 


The sessions are partially reimbursed by most insurers if you have additional insurance click here for an overview of reimbursements per insurer

Intake  & Personal plan

During the intake we will discuss everything that is currently going on for you. Before the start you have already completed the intake form for (trauma) therapy and/or orthomolecular advice. Based on this, we go into a number of matters in more detail and together we draw up a plan for the direction of the therapy based on your request for help. This is the first, very important, step!  


75-90 minutes | €132.50

In person or Online

Therapy Sessions 

After the intake, the next appointment is a therapy session. In these sessions we work through different techniques such as TRE®, body-oriented trauma therapy, conversations, yoga nidra, breathing, and other exercises. The sessions focus on integrating your (traumatic) experiences, unloading the load that the body still carries, recognizing conscious and/or unconscious patterns, and gaining insights that contribute to seeing and experiencing new possibilities.


60 minutes | €100

90 minutes | €132.50

In person or Online

Orthomolecular Sessions

After the intake you have received your first orthomolecular plan with which you can get started. The period between the intake and a follow-up appointment depends on your treatment process. Usually the follow-up appointment is after 3 to 6 weeks. We discuss the past period, including any new test results. As a result, you will receive a new plan with further steps. The period between appointments becomes longer as the process progresses and you are further along in your recovery. 

Possible (blood) tests and lab research are not included in the price. 


30 minutes + interpretation of test results and creation of personal treatment plan | €132.50

In person or Online

Online support

All communication and sharing of information is done via a protected client environment online. 

Via the accompanying app you get all possible session notes, test results, protocols, and exercises. 

The app has a chat function that you can use for questions or support between sessions. Messages are read on workdays only between 9:00 - 17:00 hrs. The app is not meant as an emergency number or for urgent requests for help. 

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CAT Reimbursable Therapist No.: 101602023-05-10 
AGB code: 90116451

© 2021 by Suze Retera

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