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Cherry Blossom

 NEW DATE 07-07

Yoga Nidra &
Safe Relaxation for
Yoga Therapy

This course is open to students registered for any of The Yoga Therapy Institute's Diploma courses and modules, as part of their Yoga Therapy education and training.

It is also open to new students, as an introduction, for those who wish to learn and experience Yoga Nidra in a safe, small group environment.

It is directly focused on the application of Yoga Nidra and relaxation techniques in a Yoga Therapy environment,  adapted to individuals or small groups affected by health issues.


You will learn the basic skills of delivering Yoga Nidra in a safe, therapeutic environment under the experienced guidance of Montserrat G Mukherjee C-IAYT and Suze Retera.

Inspired by the teachings of Dr.Uma Dinsmore-Tuli and Nirlipta Tuli, founders of The Yoga Nidra Network, and augmented by the practical therapeutic experience of the teachers at The Yoga Therapy Institute.


This training will be offered in English only.

With the Spring season at our doorstep, it's time to shake off the Winter! This is the perfect time to clean our bodies and minds, creating space for more clarity and inspiration. This change of Seasons often also triggers fatigue, which can feel even more intense if you didn't get to slow down and restore energy during the Winter. Maybe you feel exhausted when your alarm goes off in the morning. You experience dips in your energy during the day and rely on sugar or caffeine to keep going. Your brain might feel foggy and unclear. Low-grade inflammation can cause puffiness, poor digestion, and your skin might break out more than usual. Emotionally you can feel overwhelmed and unmotivated. All signs that your body needs a Spring cleaning and deep restorative rest!  


In this 4-hour workshop, Suze (somatic therapist) and Sandra (acupuncturist) join forces to offer you a combination of practices that bring you powerful therapeutic tools that activate your body's innate ability to recover, heal, and adapt. You will get to experience the practices but also learn the theory behind them and the tools to applythis knowledge in your daily life.  


To start the day Suze will teach about sleep, the activity of our brain during the different sleep cycles, and the effects of yoga nidra. She will also teach you the basics about the vagus nerve and its role in your health and well-being. This will be followed by a grounding practice that teaches you how to activate your vagus nerve, allowing you to feel grounded and present in your body. 


Sandra will teach you how to support your body as we move through  Spring into the Summer, from the perspective of Chinese medicine. This will offer you a holistic view of your body and mind and how it relates to nature and its Seasons. You will learn different pressure points and lifestyle practices to integrate into your daily life. 


In the final practice, all modalities will be combined. You get to enjoy a deeply relaxing yoga nidra combined with acupuncture. You will leave the workshop deeply rested and enriched with valuable knowledge and practices that you can use daily to enhance your health and well-being.


Ready to take on Spring with the energy and enthusiasm it deserves!  


I will be co-teaching this course with Montserrat G. Mukherjee , the founder of The Yoga Therapy Institute. Montserrat is a certified Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT) and Yoga Nidra facilitator. She shares her years of experience with endless enthusiasm, expertise, and tremendous dedication. Both Montserrat and I were trained as Yoga Nidra facilitators by Uma Dinsmore Tuli and Nirlipta Tuli, founders of the Yoga Nidra Network

Yoga Nidra

Suze Retera _ Yoga Nidra
Montserrat and Suze

The Program

“Safety in Yoga Nidra and Relaxation for Yoga Therapy“ is a two-day intensive module, designed and recommended for all yoga teachers and Yoga Therapy trainees for the safe, respectful delivery of Yoga Nidra and relaxation practices.


Recent studies show that Yoga Nidra, relaxation practices, and meditation may not be safe for everyone. They might have unwanted side effects, in cases when your student suffers from certain physical or mental health issues, so we need to learn to deliver these techniques in a responsible way.


In this course, you will learn to recognize the signs that may indicate when these practices could be contraindicated for your student, and how to approach any challenging situations that might arise.


Sandra Guy_edited.jpg

Sandra Guy is an acupuncturist with a private practice in Amsterdam,  who has been working with Chinese medicine for over 20 years. Sandra grew up in Hong Kong and studied Daoist Self-Cultivation and Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Netherlands choosing to specialize in acupuncture. She graduated from Shenzhou Open University for Traditional Chinese Medicine, Cum Laude. Since then she has continued to study different specializations of Japanese acupuncture. She has witnessed extraordinary healing when the body is allowed to reset through the repeated states of deep relaxation and rebalancing that acupuncture can create. She is excited to bring the powerful restorative potential of Yoga Nidra and acupuncture together in this workshop. 



Suze Retera is a psychologist, somatic trauma therapist, TRE® provider, orthomolecular therapist, and yoga and yoga nidra teacher. In her practice in Amsterdam, she combines these modalities into a holistic approach with the body as the focus point of healing. By releasing experiences through the body, insights, and sustainable healing can occur.


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CAT Reimbursable Therapist No.: 101602023-05-10 
AGB code: 90116451

© 2021 by Suze Retera

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